Tuesday, July 6, 2010

It was not that important. really.

"Oh C'mmon man! just come and apologize to her.."
"Really? why should i? it was a joke and everybody knew that.."
"but the joke wounded her.. real deep. and intentionally or not, it hurts her so.."
"yeah i know, been thinking about it too.. again, it was purely a joke, a simple joke out of nowhere, and she should know and not give a real shit about it. it's not worth it to be mad over something not so important right?"
"true. but it feels not right to hurt people and not make an apology, isnt it?"
"isnt it?"
"nope, i'm putting my foot down, if we're apologize to her, she wont be learning her lesson.. it was an unimportant jokes that nobody really care about. She must be putting too much thoughts to it, it's her biggest mistake in this case. and do you think she never did the same thing as we did: joking about people behind their back?"
"... i dont know.."
"Do you remember how she hurts us several times just by joking about us both to our face and behind us? and it just not us, it happens to some of our friends! Sometimes it was worst than our jokes.. Did she realize and apologize? i recall not. Not wanting her to apologize or anything, we're already forgive her, right? just because we know it was a joke! if we, the younger and less-life-experienced one could do that, why does she wont?"
"well, everybody's got their own opinion.."
"That's it! do you want her to feel and think that she's always right? hate to say this: do you know that it would be very egoistic of us by apologizing to her? just for the sake our peace, not really hers."
"a lot of people including us try to accept her with all the attitude, all the gesture, all the inappropriate things she said as a co-worker, and we all care about her in the right amount.. so why cant she see that? not just by one unimportant and unmeaningful joke, she turn her back on the people! it was so wrong of hers! "
"(unmeaningful joke? ...)"
"yes! sometimes we just didnt mean all the thing we said, and that's why people call it a joke, isnt it? why bothering things that unimportant in the first place? that's the bottom line! if you and me bothers little things like that, i'm pretty sure we're not gonna be around till now."
"... you got a point there, friend.."
"i am making a point here. Dont sweat the small stuff. it just waste of time and energy."
"hmmm.. yeah you're right. sometimes i just hated it when you're right.."
"i'm not saying that i am right, it just a matter of opinion.. i was so fine before we had this talk.. and i hate when you feel something not right, it really bothers me.. but i think it is for the greater good mate. though it's not our responsibility, i hope she learn her lesson too."
"yeah. if she doesnt, why bother? right?"
"word. but maybe later someday, when she has become real close to us, like you and me."

sedikit menyesal ada yang terluka akibat suatu hal yang sebenarnya sangat tidak begitu penting, itu menurut saya. tapi tidak penting menurut saya ataupun sebagian besar orang di dunia, belum tentu tidak penting buat dia. Jika benar-benar terluka, saya minta maaf setulus-tulusnya, meski tidak seperlunya.

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