Thursday, August 28, 2008


Duration: 117 min

Rabu, 27 Agustus 2008
nonton 4Bia (D) di Blitzmegaplex jakarta
(pertama kali nih nonton di sini, akhirnya kesampaian juga)

browse2 di internet soal nih film..
ternyata judul nya itu plesetan dari "phobia".
Angka 4 merefer ke 4 film-film pendek itu dan review2 yg ada juga ok2 kok..

filmnya lumayan lah buat seru2an..4 cerita dengan 4 sutradara dalam satu film dengan setiap storywise yang lumayan, artistik & efek(overall) jg bs dibilang nggak jelek..

4 cerita dengan pendekatan storytelling yang agak2 berbeda dengan satu sama lain, namun sama-sama mencekam, simple set, simple dialouge, great acts yang bisa membuat lo berpikir kayaknya gampang yaah bikin film thriller/horor kyk gini..:P

jago banget membangun suasananya..
but i dont really understand why they must show the ghost/creatures that way(by this, i guess u'll know when u see this movie)..sayang amat suasana yg udah dibangun agak jatuh dengan kemunculan2 tersebut...i dunno, probably i'll like it a lot more if they dont show it in that way..

i really like 'the eye scene' in each story...very entertaining and totally frightening. if u ask me which story i like the most..probably the line-up would goes like this: 4, 1, 3, 2

i wish i could tell you all of the stories, but it will spoil all the fun, i guess you should watch it yourself lah..

personally, genre film2 kyk gini bukan favorit gw, ngeri nontonnya (kl di dvd bs dipotong2 jd 4 hari tuh). but this time the movie itself doesnt really matter, who i was with is the most important hahahahaha

not in the mood in making an artwork bout this, probably later..

people's comments (belum sempet nanya2 ke orang2 sih):
Me: 'hahahahahahahahahaha, film apaan sih nih?"

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