Friday, December 31, 2010

the framelines of that dream

i had a dream last night, the last dream on the last morning on 2010.
it's so absurd, waking me up in a state where i asked myself "dang! what did you just dream?what's that supposed to mean?"

here's the story in framelines,

frame 01: the walk

i was walking with four people. four of my friends, i dont remember who are them, but the gestures are stating that we're good enough as friends. we were walking on something-like-pathway in a middle of a hill. we're laughing and joking aaround though we know we're lost.

frame 02: the staircases

as we found the end of the pathway, there were a line of three staircases. on the left, original simple stairsteps; on the right, a normal escalator-stairs like the usual on mall or buildings we have; and the center, is also a escalator-stairs but a very fast one, a lot faster than the normal one..
the other people were hesitate to get upstairs, but not me, i dont know why, i pick and get on the middle one, the center, the fast one..

frame 03: the escalator ride

as i left my-so-called-friends who only stare in a strange look at me, the ride on that escalator were a brief one. seeing the other staircases where there some people who i guess were trying to remember or learn something like there was gonna be a test or something. and guess what? the escalator went for a cliff! but not scared, i was thrilled to jump of that cliff.. and so i jumped and it was all black.

frame 04: the lines and the shattered glass below it

and there i was waking up in a nowhere valley with a lot of people. and those poeple were in line of something, queueing something. and below them are shattered glass! barefooting in lines in front of hundreds and hundreds of counters..when somebody was pushing me from behind, i join the lin instantly. surprisingly, the shattered glass were not hurting my feet, it itches me a little bit.. a little blood came out of it, but not even a single pain. i was in the shortest line but it felt like long hours.

frame 05: the counter and the questions

and the line's up, i stood up there, in front of the counter.. the counter is a small window where i could only see a hand and a thing what i remember was a thick book. then comes the questions. i dont remember any of the questions, it feels like easy-but-deep questions and i kept giving the wrong answer, said the voice behind the counter. i was so confused. (as easy as "what's one plus one?" and "two" as an answer is not the right answer). the voice said i should learn more, a lot. to figure out things i havent figure out, the voice said to me. i was still stumped there when i was taken out from the counter by two people i dont know, and one of them said that yeah i should really learn a lot, and use voice recorder, it really helps.. whoa! what's that about? and then i closed my eyes trying to think.

and when i open my eyes, i was back in real world, my bed to be exact. yeah i know sometimes a dream is just a dream, it supposed to be nothing.. but this one, the one at the last morning of the year got into me..

what do you think it means?

Thursday, December 30, 2010

menikmati mendukung Legiun Garuda di Piala Federasi

yah.. kita belum juara, meskipun menang 2-1 atas Malaysia di pertandingan terakhir, namun masih belum bisa mengangkat piala juara kali ini. tapi bagaimanapun, ada keseruan sendiri di balik perjalanan Timnas di pagelaran AFF Suzuki 2010.. siapa yang sangka para wanita kini mulai banyak yang mau dan tertarik untuk mendukung Timnas kita? apapun alasannya, membuat lebih manis sepakbola kita dan tentunya bertambah juga dukungan bagi legiun kita.

sedikit tentang pertandingan terakhir kemarin, menurut saya (yang tidak ahli bermain bola), merupakan sebuah pertandingan yang sangat baik. if's it's not good, i would call it great! kita menyerang terus, mengoyak dari sana sini.. tapi memang harus saya akui, pemain bertahan lawan sangat disiplin mampu menutup ruang gerak penyerang kita.. dan ketika berhasil menemukan ruang gerak, masih tertahan oleh sang penjaga gawang yang terbukti bermain sangat baik malam itu diawali dengan berhasil menahan tendangan pinalti kapten timnas kita.. bayangkan tekanan yang didapat pemain kita, ketika penalti itu gagal dan musuh berhasil menjebol gawang (lagi) dengan serangan balik yang taktis ketika pertahanan kita lengah.. oo common, siapapun seharusnya bisa melihat ketatnya pertahanan lawan..tapi kemudian pemain kita terus bangkit dan bermain dengan sangat baik malam itu dengan melesatkan dua gol ke pertahanan mereka.. it was such a moment when those goals are made, wasnt it?

dan mungkin (sudah pasti tepatnya) adalah hal yang sangat jauh berbeda antara: melihat di layar kaca, bangku penonton dan berada di lapangan sebagai pemain.. jangan salahkan pemain kita yang sudah berlari kencang terus terlihat tidak mampu memberikan umpan, pemain kita yang belum berhasil memberikan sentuhan terakhir di depan gawang, pemain kita yang kadang terlihat berlari lebih pelan dibanding tim lawan, dan juga hal-hal lain yang tentunya mereka (pemain) yang lebih merasakan, tidaklah mudah bermain di lapangan sana kawan.. so, ada baiknya kita yang katanya sebagai pendukung timnas melakukan apa yang kita bisa lakukan di luar lapangan.. daripada menyalahkan, meng-goblok2-an, atau meremehkan permainan mereka, seharusnya kita mampu memberikan support yang positif.. jika mereka jatuh, kita angkat dan bangkitkan ; jika mereka belum berhasil menjebol setelah set-piece yang cukup baik, kita berikan dukungan "ayo terus, coba lagi, kita pasti bisa!". Bukankah support yang baik seperti itu? saya bukan fanatik sepakbola Timnas, apalagi seorang patriotik, tapi berani dijamin seperti jutaan penonton lainnya, saya rasa kita telah bersatu sebagai bangsa Indonesia selama 90 menit malam itu, bukan begitu? beberapa teman saya bahkan menTweet betapa nasionalisnya momentum malam itu, ada yang berteriak-teriak, mengumpat, hampir menangis, merinding dan tentu juga ada yang tidak kuasa menitikkan air mata.. wajar saja jika melihat permainan penuh seperti itu..

dan saya salut dengan Riedl sang pelatih yang mampu meramu dan mengolah pemain kita dan sangat menyetujui beberapa kutipannya tentang permainan kita, lawan, dan beberapa hal lainnya:

"Congratulations to the Malaysian team on winning the AFF Suzuki Cup although I think that it was the better team that lost the final," said Riedl.

"I think we really lost the final in the first leg in Kuala Lumpur after we allowed three goals in a terrible 12 minutes. Today, I thought that we were really unlucky because we played our best football of the tournament in the first half but we could not score a goal.

"After we went a goal behind, we showed a lot of determination and we fought very hard to come back and we deserved to win the game. We could really have scored five, six or seven goals tonight but we missed too many chances in the first half.

"I want to thank the whole team for the commitment and discipline that they showed on the pitch. In particular, I must thank the captain, Firman Utina, and Bambang Pamungkas, who is our team leader because they are my right hands on the field. But the whole team deserve to be proud of their success and the way that they have played in the tournament."

Riedl did not believe that Firman's missed spot kick may have made much of a difference to the final outcome.

"Even if we had scored a penalty, a lot of things still could have happened so we will never know how big a difference it might have made," said the Austrian. "But I'm probably thinking the same as all of you (that it might have been a big difference to the final outcome)."

Despite the devasting loss, Riedl insisted that he has no plans for leaving his current position as Indonesia's head coach.

"The president of the Indonesian FA can kick me out tomorrow. But as long as I am in charge of the team, I will continue to make the decisions of how we play and who plays.

I still have a 16-month contract with the team and I want to stay but you never know what will happen tomorrow," he added.
yah ini semua di luar sinar laser, rusuh antiran tiket, tentang bos PSSI, dan beberapa hal lainnya..

yeah i had a great time that game.. great game indeed..
and it's not just a game, it's what unites us.

Thursday, December 23, 2010

seperti langit malam itu

katanya langit yang paling cerah itu setelah hujan selesai, setelah badai reda.
sepertinya begitu, seperti langit malam itu.