Sunday, February 28, 2010

La Baguette

akhirnya setelah lama berniat, kesampaian juga membeli dan menikmati baguette, belinya dimana? di Carrefour ajah.. hahaha

well, i tear it off and pop it in my mouth, probably the next time i eat it would be in a better way, with jam, butter, and a cup of coffee..

The Baguette

A unique French creation, the baguette, is a popular French bread which serves as France’s staple food.

The Baguette is a variety of bread which is noted for being crispy. It is much greater in length than width with a standard size that is about five to six centimeters wide and three or four centimeters tall. The common weight of this bread is 250 grams. It is otherwise known as French Stick or French loaf.

A baguette is often used in making well-loved French sandwiches such as Jambon Beurre (Ham Butter). In the country of France, the baguette is usually served with cheese or pate.

A continental breakfast in France always comes with a baguette spread with jam, then dunked into a bowl of hot chocolate or a cup of coffee.

quoted from here

menikmati hidup itu perlu. ^^

Saturday, February 27, 2010

i really do.

"tu me manques..."

Monday, February 22, 2010


aku suka rasa ini..
ekstasi, euforia hati
di atas ekspetasi,
aku menikmati

aku suka rasa ini
aku menikmati
aku suka rasa ini
aku menikmati

indah. sangat
ahh lucunya dia

Friday, February 19, 2010

Sie Jin Kwie (Xue Ren Gui) - produksi ke 119 Teater Koma

love the set, love the costumes, love the act, love the music, love it!

Sebuah drama perbauran antara: opera cina, boneka potehi, golek menak, wayang kulit cina-jawa, wayang wong, dan wayang tavip. Berkisah tentang kepahlawanan, patriotisme yang selain menghibur juga cukup bisa menjadi bahan perenungan.

I'm so lucky i've got the opportunity to watch this.

sepertinya pernah mendengar tentang jendral berbaju putih yang satu ini, entah dimana.. but he is real though (wikipedia)

for more info and credits about this play click here

quite entertaining.^^

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

a hat-trip to babe hat house

hell, i dunno why i got the necessity of a bowler hat, so i ask people around where to get it, and Babe's Hat House in Jalan Sabang came out of it. * "Babe" means father in betawinese
Went there with Mira and we like it very much. so many kind of hats, and i got a brown bowler that seems to calling me when i see it, hahaha
then came the owner -we called him Babe, such a nice old but still hip man- picked a fedora hat for me, and voila! i bought it too.. wahahahaha

well, i had a pretty good time that evening. ^^

Babe Hat House (i think it should be Babe's Hat House, right?)
Rumah Topi Babe
Jl. H. Agus Salim (Sabang) Jakarta Pusat - Indonesia no. 43A

Sunday, February 14, 2010


anjing-anjing terus menggonggong tak pernah berhenti
mungkin takut mungkin berani, aku tak peduli
aku hanya ingin terus dan terus berlari
beramai-ramai atau sendiri, aku tak peduli

lalat-lalat berterbangan kesana-kemari
tak tahu apa yang dicari, aku tak peduli
aku berkelahi sambil terus menari
menang kalah ataupun seri, aku tak peduli

aku tak peduli
aku tak peduli
mengapa harus aku peduli?

orang-orang yang kini hidup pasti mati
mungkin sekarang mungkin nanti, aku tak peduli
aku telah jatuh dan kini aku berdiri
aku gembira dan aku iri, aku tak peduli

aku tak peduli
aku tak peduli
mengapa harus aku peduli?

aku tak peduli
aku tak peduli
mengapa harus aku peduli?

karena masa lalu membentuk masa kini
dan masa depan itu urusan nanti
aku sadar aku tak pernah sendiri
karena kita semua satu dalam bumi ini
kita satu dalam hidup ini maka kita harus peduli

aku harus peduli
kau harus peduli
mengapa harus kita peduli?

aku harus peduli
kau harus peduli
karena pasti kita akan mati…

menemukan ini di blog yg lama, menikmati.