Tuesday, September 5, 2017

a girl, Robocop, and a very long conversation.

I just had a dream, a good dream.
There's a girl involved.
A girl, as she's seems younger than me.

I was at a movie screening,
A sci-fi action movie, including future space rangers that is overpowered by an enemy.
I chuckled when suddenly Robocop (yes! Robocop!) appeared as part of the story.

Then it began,
after the show, she came and asked, "Why did you laugh?" 
I was so dazed by her fresh face and her long smooth hair,
and of course on her interest, her question. 

Then I answered telling how Robocop is part of my childhood and all.
But apparently, she doesn't know about it at all, it's not from her era.
So yes, she's younger than me.

Then we talked for a while, about anything, about everything.
A conversation that I haven't had for a long time.
A very long and warm conversation that I need.

We're connected. At least that's what I felt that time.

And before we got the chance to exchange names, I woke up.

I woke up.

with a smiling face,

and an empty heart.

Copenhagen, 5-ish in the morning.

Wednesday, March 8, 2017

sedikit Adrenaline Rush di pagi hari

Pagi ini aku terpelest dan terjatuh di kamar mandi.
masih teringat jelas sepintas waktu di antaranya,

kaki kiri ku terpeleset, hilanglah keseimbangan,
terjatuh ke depan, coba mencari pegangan,

dan waktu pun seakan makin melambat,
terproyeksi jalur benturan antara kepalaku dengan wastafel.

masih berusaha untuk mengelak,
sedikit tenaga merubah jalur benturan.
paha kanan membentur kerasnya batu toilet.
aku pun terjatuh menghantam lantai


untung cuma sedikit memar dan keseleo..
bisa saja lebih parah...

bisa saja lebih parah.

An adrenaline rush is a sudden increase in the secretion of adrenaline from the adrenal glands. This happens when the brain communicates to the glands that there will be a need for a fight-or-flight response. The cause of an adrenaline rush need not be an actual physical threat but can also be an imagined threat, strenuous exercise, heart failure, chronic stress, anxiety or a disorder of the brain or adrenal glands.

fight-or-flight response of a physical threat.

Saturday, December 31, 2016

it's the last day of 2016. so let's look back on 2016's best (at least for me)

best moment: my little sister's wedding.
It was nice and simple with happiness all around. our little family gaining new members. And to see her in her wedding dress, having the ceremony, is really a magical moment. I am proud of her, though I didn't do much, she always find her way. and for that, I really wish her all the best in her new journey!

best thing: pokemon go
what can I say? This thing really hooked me off. I'm not a pokemon fan, but this game gives something in my dull life. It makes me want to visit more places. Again, this makes my life less boring.

Well that's the top things I can remember for now. It's less than 10 mins to 2017 now, well thank you 2016! Welcome 2017.

Tuesday, May 17, 2016

mungkin nanti.

adakah politik di surga?

satu... benda, abstrak.
dua... lokasi, tujuan.
tiga... tanya, eksistensial.

tiga atribut, satu jawaban.
mungkin nanti, bukan saat ini.

Thursday, March 24, 2016

the closure.

that's it.
that's the closure.

so many questions i wanted to ask,
but they don't really matter anymore.
for they don't bother me anymore.

she is happy,
and i will too.

on the seventeenth floor,
in a time least expected.
i had it, the closure.

Wednesday, March 9, 2016

there never was.

the first one is a mistake,
the second one is an option,
what about the third and the next ones?
when the heart feels what it wants to feel
call it stupidity or delusion or whatever
there's always be a lesson learned.

cheers to all the dinner and the talk we had!
cheers to all the promises we'll break!
cheers to all the moment we'll never have!

there's no ending. no closure.
there's no us. there never was.

people change,
memories remain.

Wednesday, February 24, 2016

Hey stranger, how've you been?

it's not like i didn't see her every now and then,
but probably we're just avoiding each other.
or maybe just me.


and after a while that feels like forever,

'How are you?"
that's what she said to me when we met again.
arghhh that smile, deteriorate me all over again

"am good., and you?... are you gaining weight?"
foolish answer came from mindless soul,
please take it as a compliment, as cuddling is all i want to do with her.

but then she pouted and we went our own way.


another day, the morning was so jolly.
we met again, waiting for the elevator.

i said hello, but she didn't reply.
not even a glance,

she did not reply.


and so here we are.
